Imaging life @JHU

New Lab Positions
We are always seeking talent to join us, and have openings for all levels.
Please reach out to us for more info.

Dominique Meyer
BME PhD student, Class of '21
Kavli Doctoral fellowship
BS, BME, Washington U at St Louis
dmeyer17 at jh dot edu

Zhongqiang Li
Postdoc Fellow
PhD, Louisiana State University
zli235 at jh dot edu

Stephanie Nolen
BME PhD student, Class of '21
NSF GRFP fellow
BS, BME, Vanderbilt University
snolen3 at jh dot edu

Grant Kroeschell
XDBio PhD student
scapocy1 at jhu dot edu
BS, Bio Sci, Clemson Univ

Yunlong Zhu
BME MS student
yzhu176 at jh dot edu

Sydni Spencer
BME PhD student
sspenc46 at jh dot edu

Josiah Chang
BME PhD student, Class of '23

Esther Whang
BME PhD student
BS, EE, The Cooper Unio Univ
ewhang2 at jh dot edu

Haochen Wang
BME MS student
BS, BME, U Wisconsin-Madison
hwang292 at jh dot edu

Xiankun Lu
BME PhD student
BS, Physics, UCSB
xlu69 at jh dot edu
Khan, PhD
Current Position: University of Minnesota
Optical Engineer
Siyi Chen, MS
Current Position: TBD
Sil Savla, MS
Current Position: TBD
Tianyi Ye, MS
Current Position: Johns Hopkins BME
Wenjun Shao, PhD
Current Position: Wuhan Univ. of Tech
Yuli Wang, MS
Current Position: JHU
Cecilia Xue, BS
Current Position: JHU
Zhenping Guan, PhD
Current Position: California, US
Yahui Wang, PhD
Current Position: Topcon US
Zhiyu Zhang, MS
Current Position: Shanghai
Weiye Song, PhD
Current Position: Shandong University, Professor
Lei Zhang, PhD
Current Position: Shantou Univ, Assis Prof
Libo Zhou, PhD
Current Position: Univ of Connecticut, Postdoc fellow
Xiaojun Xu, PhD
Current Position:
Sipei Fu, BS
Current Position: Broad Institute, Cambrige
Colby Kim, Undergrad
Current Position: Boston Univ, Boston
Wei Yi, PhD
Current Position: Shandong Univ, Instructor
Rongrong Liu, PhD
Current Position: Chicago

Overview, and mission statement
Let’s be a little philosophical first. Stochastic process is fundamental in universe and in life. Evolution is a perfect example, a billion-years process of random mutations and natural selection. Since we are an optics lab, the particle-wave duality of light is another example of stochasticity. On the other hand, the stochastic process is not running free but governed by higher-level guiding principles. Survival is for evolution, and physics of electromagnetic wave governs light behavior outside the quantum regime.
When both are true, there are several questions that are important to the understanding of any natural processes: where/when/what is stochastic, where/when/what guiding principle may apply, how to describe the stochastic process, and how to formulate the guiding principle?
It is conceivable that many biological/pathological processes are stochastic and guided at the same time. To ask and attempt answering the above questions for specific processes (e.g. how brain circuit works!), we use optical imaging and imaging data science as our tool. We emphasize large-scale high-throughput imaging methods, to generate enough data and statistics to ensemble the random process and then try to understand the guiding principle holistically, a balance of both. The beauty of optical imaging is that it offers rich multi-dimensional data. The optical imaging data are at least five-dimensional, including three spatial dimensions (3), time (4), optical spectrum (5), without even considering a myriad of imaging contrasts. The imaging scale can cross 6-7 orders of magnitude, from nanoscale to macroscale. The challenge is that sometimes the data can be too much without knowing what to look for. Designing novel instrumentation to generate multi-dimensional data as well as mining and making sense of them for specific scientific questions are fascinating, and that is essentially what we are about! In short, our research is to build optical imaging tool to understand the fundamentals of life or diseases, and ultimately engineer approaches to improve health. A list of research topics embodying the philosophical view is below, with relevant publications.
Speaking of stochasticity again, what we have in the lab is another random process. For whatever reasons and opportunities, a group of people from diverse backgrounds, different places, at different ages end up together at Smith building in Hopkins and share a piece of our lives together. One thing leads us here together is the hope that someday the work we put it, the technology we invent, the struggle and joy we share will improve someone’s health. After all, we are biomedical engineers and that hope is also our mission.
Large Scale Light Sheet Microscopy
We design and implement microscopy platform for observing life in 4D across different length scales from cells to whole body of small organisms. Harnessing rich light-tissue interaction and advanced imaging technology, we aim to observe life in its native form in 3D in real time and reveal the connection among structure, function, genomics and phenotypes. We emphasize large-scale imaging to see the "forest" with "leaf" resolution, retaining the stochastic information as a whole.

Visible Light Optical Coherence Tomography
We pioneer visible light OCT for three distinct advantages. First, the shorter wavelength in vis-OCT results in ultra-high image resolution. Second, hemoglobin has strong absorption in the visible light rage, which allows oxygen sensing. Third, the expansion of the wavelength range enhances the capability of elastic light spectroscopy, for detecting early structural changes in diseases. By utilizing motion contrast, label-free microangiography down to single capillary can be achieved. The premise is that the combination of structural and functional measurement can improve our understanding of physiopathology, in retina or other tissue types.
Imaging oxygen
Oxygen is essential to life. The importance of how human body reacts to oxygen change is recognized by the 2019 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine. We developed several cutting-edge techniques (label-free vis-OCT, phosphorescence oxygen sensor) to map oxygen in 3D to quantify the metabolic function of living tissue. In this research topic, we specifically focus on oxygen's role in tissue, leveraging multimodal imaging methods either in preclinical models or clinical studies.

Retinal and neuroimaging
We develop retinal imaging techniques to quantify the vascular dysfunction, ultra-structural alterations for blinding pathologies (e.g. diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, ad AMD). As the retina shares many similarities with the cerebral cortex and yet has less neuronal cell types and simpler anatomy, the retina is an excellent target for studying neural circuitry and neurovascular coupling.
W. Song et al. 2019, W. Song et al. 2022, W. Shao et al. 2022,
Crossing modalities with deep learning
Multimodal, multi-dimensional, real-time imaging generates large amount of data. We are interested in using deep learning network to transform different imaging modalities, for example, transform label-free reflectance to immunofluorescent images, to ultimately eliminate the staining process. Holistically, deep learning may hold advantage to identify hidden phenotypical features that is hard to perceive or quantitate using analytical model.

EN.580.489/689 Modern Optical Microscopy: Theory and Practice
Fall semester (MW)
Description: Modern optical microscopy is one of the most exciting frontiers in biomedical engineering. It visualizes and studies the 3D complex structures of biological systems, by implementing and engineering the physics of light and optics. This course will teach the fundamental theory in optical image formation, microscopy, propagation of light wave and Fourier optics. The theoretical framework will be reinforced through hand-on projects and labs. By the end of the course, the students will know how to design and build their own advanced microscopes, such as light sheet microscopy for 3D imaging and reconstruction.
Style: Lab/design style (50% in class lecture, and 50% lab). The ratio will be scaled more towards lectures and discussion during COVID. The emphasis is that the student learn the fundamental theory and practice by hands-on experiments. Ideally, the lecture and lab should be well coordinated, such that the optical theory is reinforced in lab class. The goal is that student will develop understanding of the optical physics, and be able to design and implement microscopy platforms.
Prerequisites: Fourier analysis, Linear system, Linear algebra, Proficiency for Matlab programing
75. Stephanie Nolen, Jingyu Wang, Ji Yi, "Depth-gated Fourier transform to accelerate spectra recovery in visible-light optical coherence tomography retinal oximetry", Opt. Lett. Accepted (2025)
75. Anupam K. Garg*, Jingyu Wang*, Bailee Alonzo, Ji Yi, Amir H. Kashani, "Photoreceptor outer segment reflectivity with ultrahigh resolution visible light optical coherence tomography in systemic hydroxychloroquine use", TVST, Accepted (2025) Preprint version: medRxiv 2024.09.10.24313265 *Equal contribution
73. Jingyu Wang, Natalie Sadlak, Marissa G. Fiorello, Manishi Desai, Ji Yi, "Macular Oxygen Saturation in Glaucoma Using Retinal Oximetry of Visible Light Optical Coherence Tomography", TVST Accepted (2025). Preprint verstion: medRxiv 2023.12.20.23300300
Preprint. Siyi Chen, Amir H. Kashani, Ji Yi, "Robust semi-automatic vessel tracing in the human retinal image by an instance segmentation neural network", arXiv:2402.10055
72. Xiang He, Weiye Song, Yiming Wang, Fabio Poiesi, Ji Yi, Manishi Desai, Quanqing Xu, Kongzheng Yang, Yi Wan, "Light-weight Retinal Layer Segmentation with Global Reasoning", IEEE TIM 73 2024
71. Jingyu Wang, Stephanie Nolen, Weiye Song, Wenjun Shao, Wei Yi, Ji Yi, "A dual-channel visible light optical coherence tomography system enables wide-field, full-range, and shot-noise limited human retinal imaging", Commun Eng 3, 21 (2024). Preprint version: bioRxiv 2022.10.05.511048, 2022
70. Tianyi Ye, Jingyu Wang, Ji Yi, "Deep learning network for parallel self-denoising and segmentation in visible light optical coherence tomography of the human retina", BOE14, 6088-6099 (2023) Preprint version: bioRxiv 2022.11.25.518000, 2023
69. Wenjun Shao, Minzi Chang, Kevin Emmerich, Patrick O Kanold, Jeff S Mumm, Ji Yi, "Mesoscopic oblique plane microscopy with a diffractive light sheet for large-scale 4D isotropic cellular resolution imaging", Optica, 9, 12, 1374-1385, 2022 Preprint version is here: bioRxiv 2022.03.29.486239
News Release: "Life in action: researchers capture 3D cellular dynamics across whole organism".
68. Weiye Song, Sui Zhang, Yumi Mun Kim, Natalie Saldlak, Marissa G. Fiorello, Manishi Desai, Ji Yi, "Visible light optical coherence tomography of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer reflectivity in glaucoma", TVST, 11(28), 2022
67. Wenjun Shao, Ji Yi, "Non-interferometric volumetric imaging in living human retina by confocal oblique scanning laser ophthalmoscopy", Biomed Opt Express, 13, 3576-3592 (2022) 2022. Preprint version is here: bioRxiv 2021.08.05.455286.
66. Jingyu Wang, Weiye Song, Natalie Sadlak, Marissa G Fiorello, Manishi Desai, Ji Yi, "A Baseline Study of Oxygen Saturation in Parafoveal Vessels Using Visible Light Optical Coherence Tomography", Frontier in Medicine/Ophthalmology, 9:886576, 2022.
65. Jingyu Wang, Andrew Baker, Manju L. Subramanian, Nicole H. Siegel, Xuejing Chen, Steven Ness, Ji Yi, "Simultaneous visible light optical coherence tomography and near infrared OCT angiography in retinal pathologies: a case study", Experimental Biology and Medicine, December 14, 2021.
Preprint. Weiye Song, Sui Zhang, Yumi Mun Kim, Natalie Saldlak, Marissa G. Fiorello, Manishi Desai, Ji Yi, "Visible light optical coherence tomography of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer reflectivity in glaucoma", medRxiv 2021.08.31.21262930
64. Lei Tian, Brady Hunt, Muyinatu A Lediju Bell, Ji Yi, Jason T Smith, Marien Ochoa, Xavier Intes, Nicholas J Durr, "Deep learning in biomedical optics", Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Lasers Surg Med, 53: 748-775, 2021
63. Shiyi Cheng, Sipei Fu, Yumi Mun Kim, Weiye Song, Yunzhe Li, Yujia Xue, Ji Yi, Lei Tian “Single-cell cytometry via multiplexed fluorescence prediction by label-free reflectance microscopy", Sci Advances, Vol. 7, no. 3, eabe0431 2021. Pre-print version is here.
62. Wenjun Shao, Kivilcim Kilic, Wenqing Yin, Gregory Wirak, Xiaodan Qin, Hui Feng, David Boas, Christopher V Gabel, Ji Yi “Wide field-of-view volumetric imaging by a mesoscopic scanning oblique plane microscopy with switchable objective lens", Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery (QMIS), vol 11, No 3, 2021. Pre-print version is here.
61. Weiye Song, Wenjun Shao, Wei Yi, Rongrong Liu, Manishi Desai, Steven Ness, Ji Yi “Visible light optical coherence tomography angiography (vis-OCTA) and local microvascular retinal oximetry in human retina”, Biomed Opt Express, 11, 4037-4051. 2020 Preprint version is here .
60. Wenjun Shao, Weiye Song, Ji Yi “Is oblique scanning laser ophthalmoscope (oSLO) applicable to human ocular optics? A feasibility study using an eye model for volumetric imaging”, J. Biophotonics. e201960174. 2020 Preprint version is here .
59. Weiye Song, Alex Matlock, Sipei Fu, Xiaodan Qin, Hui Feng, Christopher V. Gabel, Lei Tian, Ji Yi “LED array reflectance microscopy for scattering-based multi-contrast imaging ”, Opt Lett. 45, 7, 2020
Codes and PCB design is here .
58. Alex Matlock, Anne Sentenac, Patrick C. Chaumet, Ji Yi, Lei Tian “Inverse scattering for reflection intensity phase microscopy”, Biomed Opt Express,11,2, 2020
Preprint. Alex Matlock, Anne Sentenac, Patrick C. Chaumet, Ji Yi, Lei Tian “Inverse scattering for reflection intensity phase microscopy”, arXiv:1912.07709
Preprint. Wenjun Shao, Weiye Song, Ji Yi “Volumetric fluorescence imaging in a human eye model by oblique scanning laser ophthalmoscope (oSLO): a feasibility study”, Biorxiv 8042377
57. Graham LC Spicer, Aya Eid, D Wangpraseurt, TD Swain, James A Winkelmann, J Yi, M Kühl, LA Marcelino, V Backman “Measuring light scattering and absorption in corals with Inverse Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography (ISOCT): a new tool for non-invasive monitoring”, Sci. Rep. 9(1) 1-12, 2019
56. Rongrong Liu, Shiyi Cheng, Lei Tian, Ji Yi “Deep spectral learning for label-free optical imaging oximetry with uncertainty quantification”, Light Sci. Appl. 8, 102. 2019 Preprint version, bioRxiv 650259
Data and codes are open-sourced at Github.
55. Weiye Song, Libo Zhou, Ji Yi “Volumetric fluorescein angiography (vFA) by oblique scanning laser ophthalmoscopy in mouse retina at 200 B-scans per second”, Biomed Opt Express, 10(9), 4907 2019 Preprint version, bioRxiv 621664
54. Weiye Song, Sipei Fu, Shangshang Song, Sui Zhang, Lei Zhang, Steven Ness, Manishi Desai, Ji Yi “Longitudinal detection of retinal alteration by visible and near-infrared optical co-herence tomography (vnOCT) in a dexamethasone-induced ocular hypertension mouse model”, Neurophotonics, 6(4), 041103. 2019 Preprint version is here.
53. Hyunjoo Jean Lee, Lei Zhang, Sui Zhang, Ji Yi “Detection of Malignancy in Ocular Surface Lesions by Inverse Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography and Two-Photon Autofluorescence”, Translational Vision Science & Technology 8 (3), 16-16, 2019
52. Rongrong Liu, Weiye Song, Vadim Backman, Ji Yi, “Quantitative quality-control metrics for in vivo oximetry in small vessels by visible light optical coherence tomography angiography”, Biomed. Opt. Express, 10 (2) 465-486, 2018
51. Rongrong Liu, James Winkelmann, Graham Spicer, Yunxiao Zhu, Aya Eid, Guillermo Ameer, Vadim Backman, Ji Yi, “Single capillary oximetry and tissue ultrastructural sensing by dual-band dual-scan inverse spectroscopic optical coherence tomography”, Light:Science & applications, (7) 57. 2018
50. Weiye Song, Libo Zhou, Sui Zhang, Steven Ness, Manishi Desai, Ji Yi, “Fiber-based visible and near infrared optical coherence tomography (vnOCT) enables quantitative elastic light scattering spectroscopy in human retina”, Biomed. Opt. Express, 9, 3464-3480. 2018
49. Weiye Song, Libo Zhou, Kevin Liu Kot, Huijie Fan, Jingyan Han, Ji Yi, “Measurement of Flow-Mediated Dilation of Mouse Femoral Artery in vivo by Optical Coherence Tomography”, Journal of Biophotonics, e201800053. 2018
48. Weiye Song, Libo Zhou, Ji Yi, “Multimodal Volumetric Retinal Imaging by Oblique Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (oSLO) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)”, Jove, e57814, 2018
47. James A. Winkelmann, Aya Eid, The-Quyen Nguyen, Thang Bui, Ji Yi, Vadim Backman, “In Vivo Broad-band Visible Light Optical Coherence Tomography Probe Enables Inverse Spectroscopic Analysis”, Opt Lett. 43, 619-622. 2018
46. Lei Zhang*, Weiye Song*, Di Shao, Sui Zhang, Manishi Desai, Steven Ness, Sayon Roy, Ji Yi “Volumetric fluorescence retinal imaging in vivo over a 30-degree field of view by oblique scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (oSLO)”, Biomed. Opt. Express. 9(1), 25-40. 2017
45. Weiye Song, Lei Zhang, Steve Ness, Ji Yi “Wavelength-dependent optical properties of melanosomes in retinal pigmented epithelium and their changes with melanin bleaching: a numerical study”, Biomed. Opt. Express. 8(9), 3966-3980. 2017
44. Lei Zhang, Amalia Capilla1, Weiye Song, Gustavo Mostoslavsky, Ji Yi “Oblique scanning laser microscopy for simultaneously volumetric structural and molecular imaging using only one raster scan ”, Sci. Rep. 7: 8591, 2019
43. Rongrong Liu, Graham Spicer, Siyu Chen, HF Zhang, Ji Yi, Vadim Backman, “Theoretical model for optical oximetry at the capillary level: exploring hemoglobin oxygen saturation through backscattering of single red blood cells”, J. Biomed. Opt. 22(2), 025002, 2017
42. Wenzhong Liu, Shoujian Wang, Ji Yi, Kevin Zhang, Siyu Chen, Robert A. Linsenmeier, Christine M. Sorenson, Nader Sheibani, Hao F. Zhang, “Increased retinal oxygen metabolism precedes microvascular alterations in Type 1 diabetic mice”, IOVS, 58 (2), 981-989, 2017
41. Jisheng Xiao, Siyu Chen, Ji Yi, Hao F Zhang, Guillermo A Ameer, “A Cooperative Copper Metal–Organic Framework‐Hydrogel System Improves Wound Healing in Diabetes”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 27 (1), 1604872, 2017
40. Wenli Wu, Andrew J Radosevich, Adam Eshein, Ji Yi, Lusik Cherkezyan, Hemant K Roy, Igal Szleifer, Vadim Backman, “Using electron microscopy to calculate optical properties of biological samples”, BOE, 7(11), 4749-4762, 2016
39. Ji Yi, Zhen Puyang, Liang Feng, Lian Duan, Peiji Liang, Vadim Backman, Xiaorong Liu, Hao F. Zhang, “Optical detection of early damage in retinal ganglion cells in a mouse model of partial optic nerve crush injury”, IOVS, 57 (13), 5665-5671, 2016
38. Biqin Dong, Siyu Chen, Fan Zhou, Christina Chan, Ji Yi, Hao F. Zhang, and Cheng Sun, “Real-time Functional Analysis of Inertial Microfluidic Devices via Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography”, Scientific Reports, 6: 33250, 2016
37. Yunxiao Zhu, Ryan Hoshi, Siyu Chen, Ji Yi, Chongwen Duan, Robert D Galiano, Hao F Zhang,Guillermo A. Ameer, “Sustained release of stromal cell derived factor-1 from an antioxidant thermoresponsive hydrogel enhances dermal wound healing in diabetes”, Journal of Controlled Release, 238(28),114-122. 2016
36. Graham Spicer, Samira Azarin, Ji Yi; Scott Young, Ronald Ellis, Greta Bauer, Lonnie Shea, Vadim Backman, “Detection of extracellular matrix modification in cancer models with inverse spectroscopic optical coherence tomography”, Phys. Med. Biol. 61 6892. 2016
35. Liang Feng, Hui Chen, Ji Yi, John B Troy, Hao F Zhang, Xiaorong Liu, “Long-Term Protection of Retinal Ganglion Cells and Visual Function by Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Mice With Ocular HypertensionBDNF Protects RGCs and Vision in Glaucoma”, IOVS, 57(8), 3793-3802. 2016
34. Siyu Chen, Xiao Shu, Ji Yi, Amani A. Fawzi, and Hao Zhang, “Dual-band Optical Coherence Tomography Using a Single Supercontinuum Laser Source”, JBO, 21(6), 066013. 2016
33. Ronil S. Shah*, Brian T. Soetikno*, Ji Yi, Wenzhong Liu, Dimitra Skondra, Hao F. Zhang, Amani A. Fawzi, “Visible-light Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Monitoring Laser-induced Choroidal Neovascularization in Mice”, IOVS, 57 (9), OCT86-OCT95. 2016
32. Brian T. Soetikno, Ji Yi, Ronil Shah, Wenzhong Liu, Patryk Purta, Hao F Zhang, and Amani A. Fawzi, “Inner retinal oxygen metabolism in the 50/10 oxygen-induced retinopathy model”, Scientific Report,5,16752. 2015
31. Ji Yi, Yolanda Stypula-Cyrus, Catherine Blaha, Hemant K. Roy, and Vadim Backman, "Fractal characterization of chromatin decompaction in live cells", Biophys. J., 109(11) 2218–2226. 2015
30. Samira M. Azarin, Ji Yi, Robert M. Gower, Brian A. Aguado, Megan E. Sullivan, Ashley G. Goodman, Eric J. Jiang, Shreyas S. Rao, Yinying Ren, Susan L. Tucker, Vadim Backman, Jacqueline S. Jeruss, and Lonnie D Shea, "In vivo capture and label-free detection of early metastatic cells", Nat. Commun. 6:8094 doi: 10.1038/ncomms9094. 2015
29. Ji Yi*, Siyu Chen*, Xiao Shu*, Amani A. Fawzi, and Hao F. Zhang, “Human retinal imaging using visible-light optical coherence tomography guided by scanning laser ophthalmoscopy”, Biomed. Opt. Express 6, 3701-3713. 2015
28. Wenzhong Liu*, Ji Yi*, Siyu Chen, Shuliang Jiao, Hao F Zhang, “Measuring retinal blood flow in rats using Doppler optical coherence tomography without knowing eyeball axial length”, Med. Phys. 42, 5356. 2015
27. Siyu Chen*, Ji Yi*, Hao F. Zhang, “Measuring oxygen saturation in retinal and choroidal circulations in rats using visible light optical coherence tomography angiography”, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(8), 2840-2853. 2015
26. Ji Yi, Wenzhong Liu, Siyu Chen, Vadim Backman, Nader Sheibani, Amani A. Fawzi, Robert A. Linsenmeier, and Hao F. Zhang, “Visible light optical coherence tomography measures retinal oxygen metabolic response to systemic oxygenation”, Light: Science &Applications, 4, e334. 2015
25. Siyu Chen, Ji Yi, Wenzhong Liu, Vadim Backman, Hao F. Zhang, “Monte Carlo investigation of optical coherence tomography retinal oximetry”, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 62 (9) 2015
24. Ben E. Urban*, Ji Yi*, Siyu Chen*, Biqin Dong, Yongling Zhu, Steven H. DeVries, Vadim Backman, and Hao F. Zhang, “Super-resolution two-photon microscopy via scanning patterned illumination” , Physical Review E 91, 042703. 2015
23. Siyu Chen, Ji Yi, Biqin Dong, Cheng Sun, Patrick F Kiser, Thomas J Hope, Hao F Zhang, “Imaging endocervical mucus anatomy and dynamics in macaque female reproductive track using optical coherence tomography”, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 5(1), 40–45. 2015
22. Hui Chen, Yan Zhao, Mingna Liu, Liang Feng, Zhen Puyang, Ji Yi, Peiji Liang, Hao F. Zhang, Jianhua Cang, John B. Troy, and Xiaorong Liu, “Progressive Degeneration of Retinal and Superior Collicular Functions in Mice With Sustained Ocular Hypertension”, IOVS, 56(3), 1971-1984. 2015
21. Ji Yi, Siyu Chen, Vadim Backman, Hao F. Zhang, “In vivo functional microangiography by visible light optical coherence tomography”, Biomedical Optics Express, 5(10), 3603-3612. 2014
20. Wei Song, Qing Wei, Wenzhong Liu, Tan Liu, Ji Yi, Nader Sheibani, Amani A. Fawzi, Robert A. Linsenmeier, Shuliang Jiao, Hao F. Zhang, “A combined method to quantify the retinal metabolic rate of oxygen using photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography”, Scientific Report 4, 6525. 2014
19. Ben Urban, Ji Yi, Vladislav Yakovlev, and Hao F. Zhang, “Investigating femtosecond-laser induced two-photon photoacoustic generation”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(8), 085001. 2014
18. Ji Yi, Andrew J. Radosevich, Yolanda Stypula-Cyrus, Nikhil N. Mutyal, Samira Michelle Azarin, Elizabeth Horcher, Michael J. Goldberg; Laura K. Bianchi; Shailesh Bajaj; Hemant K. Roy; Vadim Backman, “Spatially-resolved optical and ultra-structural properties of colorectal and pancreatic field carcinogenesis observed by inverse spectroscopic optical coherence tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 19, 036013. 2014
17. Kvar. C. L. Black, Tadas. S. Sileika, Ji Yi, R. Zhang, J. G. Rivera, and Phillip B. Messersmith, "Bacterial Killing by Light-Triggered Release of Silver from Biomimetic Metal Nanorods," Small 10, 169-178. 2014
16. J. D. Rogers*, A. J. Radosevich*, Ji Yi*, and V. Backman, "Modeling Light Scattering in Tissue as Continuous Random Media Using a Versatile Refractive Index Correlation Function," Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 20, 1-14. 2014
15. A. J. Radosevich, N. N. Mutyal, Ji Yi, Y. Stypula-Cyrus, J. D. Rogers, M. J. Goldberg, L. K. Bianchi, S. Bajaj, H. K. Roy, and V. Backman, "Ultrastructural alterations in field carcinogenesis measured by enhanced backscattering spectroscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 18, 097002. 2013
14. Wenzhong Liu, Tan Liu, Wei Song, Ji Yi, and Hao F. Zhang, “Automatic retinal vessel segmentation based on active contours method in Doppler spectral-domain optical coherence tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18, 016002. 2013
13. Ji Yi, Qing Wei, Wenzhong Liu, Vadim Backman, and Hao F. Zhang, “Visible-light optical coherence tomography for retinal oximetry,” Optics Letters, 38(11), 1796-1798. 2013
12. Kvar CL Black, Ji Yi, José G. Rivera, Daria C. Zelasko-Leon, and Phillip B. Messersmith, "Polydopamine-enabled surface functionalization of gold nanorods for cancer cell-targeted imaging and photothermal therapy," Nanomedicine 8, 17-28. 2013
11. Ji Yi, Wenzhong Liu, Shuliang Jiao, and Hao F. Zhang, “Combining light and sound for retinal imaging,” SPIE Newsroom, DOI: 10.1117/2.1201303.004764. 2013
10. Ji Yi, Andrew J. Radosevich, Jeremy D. Rogers, Sam C.P. Norris, İlker R. Çapoğlu, Allen Taflove, and Vadim Backman, "Can OCT be sensitive to nanoscale structural alterations in biological tissue?," Optics Express 21, 9043-9059. 2013
9. Andrew J. Radosevich, J. D. Rogers, V. Turzhitsky, N. N. Mutyal, Ji Yi, H. K. Roy, V. Backman, "Polarized enhanced backscattering spectroscopy for characterization of biological tissues at subdiffusion length scales," Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 18, 1313-1325, 2012
8. Andrew J. Radosevich, Ji Yi, Jeremy D. Rogers, and Vadim Backman, "Structural length-scale sensitivities of reflectance measurements in continuous random media under the Born approximation," Optics Letters 37, 5220-5222. 2012
7. Ji Yi, Qing Wei, Hao F. Zhang, and Vadim Backman, "Structured interference optical coherence tomography," Optics Letters 37, 3048-3050. 2012
6. Ji Yi and Vadim Backman, "Imaging a full set of optical scattering properties of biological tissue by inverse spectroscopic optical coherence tomography," Optics Letters 37, 4443-4445. 2012
5. Ji Yi and Xu Li, "Estimation of oxygen saturation from erythrocytes by high-resolution spectroscopic optical coherence tomography," Optics Letters 35, 2094-2096. 2011
4. Andrew J Radosevich, Nikhil N Mutyal, Vladimir Turzhitsky, Jeremy D Rogers, Ji Yi, Allen Taflove, and Vadim Backman, “Measurement of the spatial backscattering impulse-response at short length scales with polarized enhanced backscattering”, Optics Letters 36, 4737-4739. 2011
3. Ji Yi, Jianmin Gong, and Xu Li, "Analyzing absorption and scattering spectra of micro-scale structures with spectroscopic optical coherence tomography," Optics Express 17, 13157-13167. 2009
2. Jianmin Gong, Ji Yi, Vladimir M. Turzhitsky, Kenji Muro, and Xu Li. "Characterization of malignant brain tumor using elastic light scattering spectroscopy," Disease Markers 25, 303-312. 2008
1. Xiaolei Song, Ji Yi, Jing Bai, "A parallel reconstruction scheme in fluorescence tomography based on contrast of independent inversed absorption properties," International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 70839. 2006
Xiankun Lu, and Sydni join our lab for their PhD thesis. Welcome and we will have a wonderful journey together.
Aug 2024
Dr. Yi received the Boone Pickens Rising Professorship endowment from Maryland department of commence and Boone Pickens family.
Dec 2024
Congrats to Dominique winning Kavli Distinguished Doctoral fellowship! Looking forward to her development of large scale 2P brain imaging.
June 2024
Congrats on Tianyi, Sil, Siyi's graduation from JHU BME Master program! Their thesis projects have been lots of funs and excitement. Can't wait for their publications. It is been a pleasure to work with you guys. Welcome back anytime!
May 2023
Linh Hoang is joing us for her PhD thesis. We are excited to explore some new ideas!
May 2023
Anupam, Jingyu, Tianyi, Dr. Yi and Kashani made splashes in ARVO2023! VIS-OCT team is making stride.
May 2023
Ji Yi is promoted to Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and ophthalmology.
Apr 2023
Stephanie Nolen received a prestigious and competitive 2023 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Congratulations!!
Mar 2023
Collaborative project on ultra-high brain imaging received NIH funding. We are super excited to see brain in action in 4D, and shed light into how neuron circuitry works!
Mar 2023
Translational R01 project using second generation visible light OCT on early detection of glaucoma progression will be funded by NIH. The first submission of the project dates back to 2015. How time flies, and so much we have overcome. Very excited to potentially generate clinical impact.
Mar 2023
Lab renovation has finally completed after 2.5 y since the move! We have installed Five 4x8 optical tables for building toys and some more.
Feb 2023
Dr. Ji Yi received Wilmer Promissing Professor award! All credits go to lab members hard work! 2023 had a great start.
Jan 2023
Sam Lander Capocyan is joining us for his MS research thesis. He will work on integrated project combining microscopy and computational algorithm to explore high-content label-free imaging. We are excited to work with him!
Lihn Hoang is joining us for her first PhD rotation. Welcome Lihn! She will explore optical tagging technique in live cell microscopy imaging.
Sept 2022
Lab renovation Phase I is completed! It is a long wait but new lab looks awesome!
Sept 2022
Collaborative R21 research with Dr. Thomas Johnston is funded by BrightFocus Foundation!
Aug 2022
Dominique Meyer is joining our lab for her PhD. We are excited to start the exciting journal! Dominique will primarily work on light sheet microscopy on large scale high-speed 4D imaging.
Aug 2021
Joint project with Dr. Thomas Johnston on high resolution 3D retinal imaging on small animals for RGC transplantation is funded by BrightFocus Foundation!
Siyi Chen is joining us to conduct her MS thesis project. She will be working on developing machine learning approach for vessel segmentation.
Jun 2022
Dominique Meyer joined us for her rotation. Welcome, and we are happy to host you and learn optics and neuroimaging together!
Oct 2021
Dr. Khan and Li will be joining us in coming January! We are excited to getting busier in 2022.
Oct 2021
Master students Sil Salva, Tianyi Yi joined us for research. Welcome, and we are looking forward to getting some fun things done together!
Oct 2021
Stephanie Nolen joined us for a lab rotation. Welcome and we are happy to support you anyway we can!
Sept 2021
Mengyuan Xue joined our group. Welcome Mengyuan, and we are happy to have you joining us and looking forward to getting some great work done!
Aug 2021
Congrats to lab Alumni Dr. Weiye Song soon joining professorship in Shandong University.
Yuli Wang joined the lab! Welcome and we are excited to have you!
July 2021
We are honored to participate a newly funded NEI R01 (Zambidis) on using iPSC derived vascular progenitor for vascular regeneration and repair. Our in vivo imaging technique would monitor the structural and functional responses.
Mar 2021
Collaborative R01 (Yi) with BU, UPenn is funded by NEI on 3D oxygen mapping in living retina! We are cracking down the oxygen perfusion function in the eye, and how it may translate in clinical cares.
Jan 2021
Dr. Yahui Wang joined our group. Welcome Yahui!
Mar 2021
Collaborative work on "Single-cell cytometry via multiplexed fluorescence prediction by label-free reflectance microscopy". Shout out to all the authors, and the hardworking UG students Sipei, and Colby! NIH please fund this great project.
Jan 2021
400 N. Broadway
Baltimore MD, 21231
Email: jiyi at jhu dot edu
For any inquiries and questions, please feel free to contact us or you are welcomed to visit us!